• Lorem ipsum


What do you need?

* 150 grams of self-raising flour
* 30 grams of whey @naturallyfitnl
* 40 grams of cocoa powder
* 15 grams cornflour + 25 ml cold water (the cornstarch dissolves in this)
* 35 grams Greensweet chocolate bar dark (in pieces)

How do you make this?

1. Mix all ingredients together except the chocolate.
2. Add the chocolate to the batter.
3. Put in the oven for 25 minutes at 180 degrees.

Per slice (12 pieces): 79 kcal
1.6 g fat; 11 g carbohydrates; 4.3 g proteins.

Tasty! Let me know if you made this too.


Source/photo: Femke from @fitnfemnl