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Iris Heuer from GreenTwist Cooking School
My name is Iris and I am the owner and founder of GreenTwist Cooking School. The healthiest (online) cooking school in the Netherlands, with online cooking courses, cooking workshops and other activities related to healthy cooking and eating, this online cooking school offers a wide range to make people aware of the impact of nutrition on their health. GreenTwist Cooking originated from a love for cooking and food, and a passion to teach people about health. It is GreenTwist's mission to let you experience optimal health from a healthy diet. All online programs are based on pure nature and without artificial additives, moderate in sugar or completely sugar-free, and adaptable for most allergies and diets.
It is so important to see what suits you! There is no ready-made way of eating that works for everyone, where some people do extremely well on vegan, this may not work for others at all. My cooking school invites you to research a diet that is right for you.
I myself am a huge advocate of 'practice what you preach' and that is why I have tried a lot of dietary patterns and eating methods over the years, to eventually find what works for me: lots of vegetables, few carbohydrates and no major restrictions. One of the first things I did was shelving refined sugar, because then you have to make quite an adjustment (because there is an alarming amount of sugar) I started experimenting with various natural sweeteners and tried everything in this.
As a cook, I thought it was important that the function of the sugar was fulfilled as much as possible (if you omit products from your diet, it is important to look at the function: what does it do in your dish) and that the product was low in carbohydrates. After a long search I 'got stuck' with the products of Greensweet Stevia. In my view they are simply the best and healthiest substitute for sugar: as pure as possible, they replace the function of sugar and are based on erythritol and stevia, so also low in carbohydrates.
And I strongly believe in cooperation if you can strengthen each other, in addition to the qualitative products, it is also a great company with great people behind it, which is why I am very happy with our cooperation. Because I only do that if I can really stand behind the company and product 100%, it remains sincere. I could never recommend anything that is not right for me.
Iris Heuer
GreenTwist Cooking
040 30 50 040
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And via the Facebook group Healthy Cooking @ home