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Milou of Fitnvital
My name is Milou, I am 18 years old and I love good food and sports. I study Nutrition and Dietetics and I hope to guide people towards a healthier lifestyle in the future. I am convinced that a healthy lifestyle should be fun and that it is all about balance.
I like to make recipes on my Instagram @fitnvital that taste like a real treat. I often make recipes that have a slightly more favorable nutritional value, but I show that you can also enjoy something less nutritious. Food should be fun and without restrictions. Life is too short not to enjoy good food. I like to show that you can also enjoy good food within a healthy lifestyle and that every type of food fits into this lifestyle.
Besides that I am involved with nutrition, I also love sports and I do strength training. I like to share my passion around nutrition, sports, but also in the field of mindset. I wish everyone a good relationship with food and themselves and I hope to inspire people with that through my account.
I would like to inspire people with my story and that people can enjoy all the recipes and that food is seen as something fun. I hope I can show people that with any goal you can still eat tasty things every day without feeling guilty.
The products of Greensweet Stevia fit in perfectly with this. In the end, it's all about balance!
Balance is key!